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HomeBusinessManaging Fruit Fly Infestations in Your Kitchen

Managing Fruit Fly Infestations in Your Kitchen

Pests are drawn to food. However, fruit flies are the type of pest that wanders only around your kitchen and keeps their eyes on your food. These flies do not harm your property. However, they surely can affect your overall health. Therefore, you must understand some ways to deal with fruit fly infestations and stop your food from getting tainted. In addition, it will be in your best interest if you seek assistance from a professional pest control service like Pointe Pest in Redmond.

Tips to manage fruit fly infestations in your kitchen

Fruit flies are common and can be irritating to be around. Here are a few working steps to manage and get rid of them.

  1. Understanding the fruit flies.

Fruit flies are a type of pest that is small in size, black and brown, and have red eyes. These flies are usually found around fruits and vegetables. Hence, they are commonly found in your kitchen to strike your food. For them, striking ripped fruits gives them a perfect spot to breed. They fibbed their eggs on the fruits and vegetables.

  1. You must look for the root cause of the problem.

Whenever you are dealing with any issue or problem, the first thing you should do is find the root cause of the problem. Likewise, if you are observing many fruit flies in your kitchen, you should look for the root cause. Inspect your kitchen thoroughly and see if there is spilled food or spoiled food in the room. When you detect the source of their invasion, quickly deal with it.

  1. Destroying their breeding sites and removing them completely.

To prevent the fruit lies from populating, you must make sure that you eliminate all their breeding sites. Start with your kitchen and dining areas, and make sure to maintain cleanliness regularly. Keep all your fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator so that they do not decay and become breeding grounds for fruit flies. Do not forget to empty your trash bins and wash them daily so that no residue of spoiled food is left.

  1. Seal all the food containers, and don’t keep any edible things in the open.

While maintaining cleanliness in your kitchen, you should also keep all your food containers shut. Make sure there are no holes or open rooms in your food container since it can become an entry point for the flies to infest. Clean all the spilled food from the floor and counter of your kitchen, and clean your drainage areas. There should be no stagnant water that attracts flies.

  1. Use traps for the fruit flies all over the house.

One of the most useful ways to handle these fruit flies is to set some traps. You can take a bowl and fill it with apple cider vinegar; this will help draw the flies. Add some dish soap in it to break the surface tension, which will eventually drown the flies. This way, you can create a pool trap for the fruit flies.

What if these methods do not work?

If you are constantly dealing with fruit fly infestations, consider consulting your pest control team and control the fruit flies.

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